Basic Description
Name: Saoirse Mackenzie.
Alias: Saoirse Cameron
Age: 21
Birthplace: Scotland. She’s from Torridon Village, but claims to be from Glenelg.
Height: 5'8
Faceclaim: Demelza Poldark
Active Verses
As I stated above, Saoirse is a Multiverse character that I designed to mesh well with all of my favorite verses. To help keep track of my main verses, I've created a few small pages that include key information about Saoirse's presence in each. Depending on how much I've written for Saoirse in each verse, some pages will be more fleshed out than others. Feel free to check it out, and if your character is from one of the verses mentioned, I'd be happy to plot a storyline with you!
Saoirse Mackenzie (pronounced Seer-sha Muh-ken-zee) was born in Torridon village, Scotland. She was the middle child of Angus and Leana Mackenzie, and she had two brothers, Ramsey and Carrick. Her father worked as a doctor, and her mother helped as a talented healer. Saoirse would often help her mother in the herb garden, or went along with her to forage for wild herbs, and as she got older her parents began teaching her their trade. It’s from them that she inherited her knack for healing, and a passion for helping others.
As she got older, she began to fall for a boy in town, named Duncan Patton. Unfortunately, Duncan was a flirtatious boy, and one of the other girls and a long-time friend of Saoirse's (named Maisri Ross) became possessive of him. The boy drove a wedge between the two girls and they would argue over the boy. They became bitter rivals, so when one of the women in the village suffered a miscarriage, Maisri jumped on the opportunity. She told the pastor of their church that Saoirse confessed that she and her mother had cursed the woman, so both of the women were captured. (Read this solo here)
The two women were held in a jail cell. They had their bodies examined, and the birthmark on Saoirse’s right hip was used as evidence that she was a witch. Each woman was interrogated so they might confess or provide the names of the other members of their coven, but they were stubborn women and refused to do either. Leana was tied to a ducking stool and taken to the shore for further interrogation in front of the other townsfolk. While everyone was distracted by the public torture of her mother, Saoirse's older brother Ramsey came to her rescue. He tousled with and overpowered the man guarding her jail cell before freeing her. Ramsey chose to stay behind long enough to tie up the guard and buy them more time, but he never caught up with his sister. Saoirse was forced to flee for fear of being recaptured and tried for the false charge of witchcraft. What was almost as difficult to bear as her time imprisoned, was surviving on her own while on the run until arriving someplace safe. It wasn't until after making it to safety that the full weight of her loss hit her. Her entire world had been turned upside down.
These days, having fled from persecution and living in almost constant fear of being sent back to Torridon, Saoirse uses the fake surname of Cameron, and claims to come from Glenelg. She claims that all of her family has died of illness, and that her true purpose of fleeing her birthplace was to avoid becoming sick herself. Being on her own for the first time, she’s forced to find her own way in the world, and she works as a healer, doing the one thing that she knows best.
She is trying to move on from the traumatic events of her past, but she often thinks about her family and wonders what has become of them. She believes that her mother has most likely been executed, and she wonders if the rest of her family managed to avoid persecution or if they have been executed for the same false charges. She often lies awake at night, dwelling on all of the possibilities, and wallowing in guilt for the role she played in the situation.
Before what happened in Torridon, Saoirse was always a friendly person with a kind heart. She comes from a family of healers so it's in her nature to help others. After escaping from the witch trial, she uses that trait to her advantage to avoid any suspicion from her new neighbors.
After being on the run, Saoirse had to learn how to survive on her own, without any means or her family. She had to learn how to keep her wits about herself when there's trouble, but because she's young with a lot to learn, she does struggle to keep her cool sometimes.
For Saoirse, survival also means lying about her past to get by. She tries not to give away any details about her old life, and usually only answers any questions with vague replies, if not outright lies, before trying to divert the subject. If she can't, then she lies to cover her secrets, and might become skittish if she's pressed for more and more information.
Writer's Notes
I made Saoirse to be a pretty flexible character so that she can mesh well in a variety of storylines, with all different characters. The situation that Saoirse is in when your character first meets her will effect her behavior. If your character first meets her shortly after she's fled from her village, then she's more likely to be scared and wary of people, because she's so worried that she'll be found out and sent back home to await another trial. She might also seem sad, or outright cry in front of others because the grief she feels for the loss of her family and her home is still fresh.
If you're meeting her after she's settled into a new home and is getting on her feet as a healer while building a new life, then she's starting to feel a bit more confident. She's starting to think that she might not be found out, but she's still wary, and goes to great lengths to conceal her true identity and the secrets about her past. Because of her newfound confidence, she's starting to relax and show people who she truly is. She's doing everything she can to become a member of her new community by forging new relationships and building a new life.