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Basic Description
Name: Lucius Dracula
Race: True Vampire
Age: Appears 20, born 1953
Birthplace: London, England, but Rome is where he now calls home.
Height: 6'3
Loyalties: The Iscariot Organization
Verse: HellsingRP
Lucius is both sides of the coin, simultaneously. He is very stoic and rarely smiles in front of people he isn't close with, and honors his duty to serve as an Iscariot. He wants to protect his fellow Catholics from the evils that threaten them. Underneath that stoic exterior, Lucius has a caring nature to him, and unlike many of his comrades, he still believes that even the worst of the sinners can be saved.
Lucius is someone who is caught between two worlds. Being born a vampire, he's been something of an outcast within the church. Still, when his mother left him to the orphanage, he came to find God, and his greatest desire is to use his nature to serve Him.
Lucius was born in London in 1968 to his parents, Vlad (aka Alucard) and Celeste. At the time, his father was in service to the Hellsing Organization, which was lead by Arthur Hellsing at the time. His life started out hard although he didn't know it, because his family became divided while he was still an infant. Arthur Hellsing locked his father away in the Hellsing manor's dungeon, where he was left to die and rot. Celeste took baby Lucius to an abandoned home in the Irish countryside, and temporarily raised him there. During that time, she would spiral into depression, and began to desire a better life for him, one that she knew she could not give. The rest of their family was damned to hell for all of their countless sins, but she believed there was a chance that her son might be saved. When Lucius was still a baby, Celeste struck an agreement with a Catholic priest, and unknowingly to him, his fate was sealed. All that was left to do was wait.
In the meantime, Lucius grew into a young boy. He didn't understand why his mother was always so sad, or why her vibrant red eyes were becoming dull, or why she would give him blood to drink but never took any for herself. Celeste was growing weaker before his eyes, but her son was too innocent to understand what was happening to her.
That was, until Celeste took him for a walk in the forest. She left him behind and told him to wait for her, but he protested because he could sense that something wasn't right, so his mother soothed him until he gave in to her request. He waited patiently for her to return until he heard the sound of his mother fighting in the distance. Lucius ran to see what was going on, and he found his mother in the middle of a field, surrounded by her familiars, and battling with a priest. Celeste shouted at him to go back, and when he refused, some of her familiars took him away so that he wouldn't witness the fight.
He tried to fight his way around the familiars so he could go back to her, but his attempts were futile. Lucius was forced to stay away until the familiars starting burning around him, and when they collapsed, he was able to run back to his mother. Lucius found her laying in the field, the priest beside her, and a stake driven into her heart. He ran to her side, and Celeste did what she could to comfort him. She told him to go with the priest, and that everything would be alright. With the last of her familiars having burned away, the Countess died before her young son's eyes.
Witnessing his mother's death has left a scar on Lucius that could never fully heal. He was taken away to a Catholic orphanage, where he would be raised, and his time there was difficult at first. He despised Father Anderson because he was the one who killed his mother, and the other children either feared him for his vampiric nature, or bullied him for it. It was discovered that he couldn't even touch the holy items in the orphanage when a bible caused severe burns and blistering on his hands after he tried picking it up during mass. Lucius was completely alone in the world, but as time went on, two of the nuns would show him kindness and understanding. They didn't ostracize him for what he was. Instead, they cared for him and helped him with his bible studies. They made sure that he was shielded from the sunlight, had an abundant supply of blood for a growing boy to drink from, and made sure he wore gloves when handling his bible.
He came of age in that orphanage. He still had very few friends, but he came to find a sense of duty. That duty was to protect his fellow Catholics from any monsters or sinners that dared to harm them, and he would use his vampiric abilities to do so. When he was old enough, he joined Section XIII in the Vatican and became an Iscariot, and under them he would be able to make that vision a reality. He'd been surviving off of blood packs ever since he was taken to the orphanage, but when he made his first kill on a mission, something inside of him turned. He couldn't resist, so he drained the body of blood, and that's when more of his abilities surfaced. The most beneficial of which was an immunity to sunlight, and holy artifacts. Now he could hold a bible without needing any gloves.
He served under them with little conflict, helping out at the orphanage where he grew up in between missions. That was, until his older sister Zaleska came to visit him. She told him that their mother had been revived, and came to find him after Celeste told her where she sent her little brother. They arranged a meeting where all three could be together, and Lucius was finally reunited with his mother. Their reunion was mostly bittersweet, but Celeste was not the same person he knew when he was little. She had a sadness to her.
When it came time to reunite with his father after learning he'd been revived, their reunion was a violent one. Lucius had developed a terrible image of his father as he grew up. First and foremost, Vlad was the original vampire and a sinner, and all other vampires came from him. The Catholic church had taught him all about his father, and he hated him for his many sins. Secondly, he views his father as the catalyst for everything bad that happened to him in his life. and blames him for his mothers death. In his eyes, Alucard is the epitome of sin and evil. So, upon meeting him for the first time since infancy, Lucius unleashed all of the pent up rage he had and pummeled him into the ground. This upset the rest of his family greatly, so for no reason other than pleasing them, he agreed to at least be civil with his father.
Now, Lucius spends his time serving the Vatican. When he isn't on a mission, he's either helping out at the orphanage or travelling to meet with his family. Now that his past and his future have collided, Lucius grapples with the fact that he is torn between the world of his family, and his devotion to the Church.
Writer's Notes
There isn't much to write here for now, but if you want to plot a storyline with Lucius, pm me on any account and I'd be more than happy to write something with you.
Writer's Notes
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