In this universe, Saoirse comes from Torridon, which is a human village south of Baldur's Gate along the Coast Way, nestled immediately south of the Cloakwood forest and north of Candlekeep. The village is very suspicious of magic users and has banned its use in almost all forms, except in very specific circumstances.
After the events surrounding the trials and her escape (refer to her original bio for details), Saoirse followed the road north to Baldur's Gate, and after making her way into the Twin Songs district, she soon found refuge in one of their Selûnite temples. The priests fed her, clothed her, and allowed her to bathe for the first time in weeks. At last, after all of the events leading up to her arrival in the city, she was able to breathe. With that, a wave of grief washed over her. The full weight of everything she'd lost had finally hit her. In her grief, she took great comfort within the temple and Selûne's embrace.
With nowhere else to go, Saoirse chose to stay at the temple and work in their service. At first, she was largely put in charge of tending the herb garden and working in the kitchen. However, as time went on, the others at the temple began to recognize Saoirse's true talent for healing. When she wasn't busy with her assigned duties, she would often visit the temple's hospital ward and tend to the sick and wounded. The priests saw her natural proclivity for healing and decided that her talents were better used elsewhere, so she was recruited to become a cleric at the temple. Saoirse was set on the path of her true life's calling once again.
Saoirse had nearly finished her training as a Selûnite cleric when the Nautiloid came to Baldur's Gate. She was one of many who were kidnapped and infected with a tadpole. She thought her life was over and that she was doomed to become a mind flayer until the ship was attacked and crash landed in Faerûn. Even after landing, she thought she would undergo ceremorphosis within a matter of days. Somehow she didn't, but that is of little comfort to her as she knows it's only a matter of time before the process begins. Now, she searches high and low for a cure alongside the others who were infected, hoping that the life she was building won't be taken from her again.